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Nov. 17, 2021

Seasonal Aphrodisiacs – The Food, Mood and Pleasure of Life

Seasonal Aphrodisiacs – The Food, Mood and Pleasure of Life

Join us for sassy conversation around connecting with food as it entices a seduction of our own mouth, of our own pleasure and a desire for more, with experts from an Eastern medical perspective and a nurse turned Certified Sex Coach and Sommelier...

Join us for sassy conversation around connecting with food as it entices a seduction of our own mouth, of our own pleasure and a desire for more, with experts from an Eastern medical perspective and a nurse turned Certified Sex Coach and Sommelier

MaryFrances Barbisan RN, RMT, Certified Sex Coach, Craniosacral Intuitive, Reiki Master and Sommelier, is an expert renown for educating and enlivening women and men to let go and explore the fullest freedom of individuality

Please visit Nicole Fortin at or

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